We understand you may have a lot of questions about your visit, and we hope some will be answered below.

If you have any questions that aren’t answered here, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’d be happy to help you get all the information you need before your appointment.

Call us at 918-742-7030

Day of Procedure Instructions

Please note the following instructions on the day of your procedure

Please arrive 30 min prior to complete the necessary paperwork. You will need to bring a driver. Bring your insurance card, co pay, photo id, and medication list. Do NOT eat solid food or drink dark liquids for 6 hours before your appointment time. You may have water, Gatorade, coffee without cream and fruit juice without pulp until 2 hours before your appointment time. Take your usual medication with a sip of water. Dress comfortably. If you are taking any of the following medication: Insulin, Glucophage, or any type of blood thinners (i.e. Coumadin, Plavix). Please contact a member of our medical staff at 918-742-7030 option 7. Please be prepared for our laboratory to collect a urine specimen at the time of your appointment. If this is a spinal cord implant surgery, please be sure to stop eating and drinking after midnight.

General Information

What are your hours?

Tulsa – Monday through Thursday 7:00 to 4:30 pm.

Can I call in a payment?

Yes, you can make a payment using Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, or a debit card. No electronic checks.

Following Your Procedure

Questions to answer
  • How much better are you right now than before your injection: 0-100%?
  • How long did your relief last?
  • What is your level of pain on the pain scale of 0-10 (10 being the worst)?
  • If you are having pain, where is your pain located?

If it has been 7-10 days after your procedure and you have not experienced any significant pain relief, please contact our clinical department by calling our office and choosing option 7. Please leave your name and a phone number for a return phone call.

  • Minimal physical activity the day of your procedure – resume normal activity the following day.
  • If you received sedation, do not drive, operate machinery, drink alcohol, or sign important documents for 24 hours.

If your physician asks you to call back with the progress of your injection, call our office at (918) 742-7030, choose option 7, and please leave a detailed message on our nurse triage line.

For your comfort

A feeling of being “flushed,” red-faced or even a low-grade temperature may occur. If you think you have a fever, take your temperature; if it is greater than 101°, take Tylenol or Aspirin. If the temperature does not come down, call our office.

  • Continue all routine medications.
  • Notify your physician if you develop a severe headache or have a sudden change in condition.
  • Apply ice packs to the injection site 3-4 times per day, 20 minutes at a time, for the first 24 hours. You may alternate with ice and heat the following day as you may experience increased pain or discomfort after your injection.
  • You may be sore at the injection site for 2-3 days. THIS IS NORMAL.
Site of injection

Please notify us of any increased pain, redness, severe swelling, drainage, and fever above 100° or chills at 918-742-7030.

If you have any questions regarding your care

If you have any questions regarding your care, please do not hesitate to call the office at (918) 742-7030, Monday through Thursday from 7:00 am to 4:30 pm. Should you require emergency care after hours, please call the above number and follow the instructions to page one of our physicians.